Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter
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Hello, Scottie families!
We have had a great week at Bonnie Brae, and we are excited to learn about and celebrate The Positivity Project character strength of love next week! We are looking forward to our Valentine's Day lunch on Friday, February 14 as well. See below for the time schedule and more details.
A reminder that our next 3-hour early release day is Monday, February 24. Families should have received an individualized email with their student's prior early release plan. Any changes or questions related to your child's early release plan for February 24 should be sent to [email protected]. Changes to your child's early release plan must be requested prior to Wednesday, February 19, to ensure updates are communicated to our staff.
With the potential for more winter precipitation in the forecast for next week, be sure to keep an eye on the FCPS website for updates on possible delayed openings or closings.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Morgan Birge, Principal
Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal
Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal
Family. Relationships. Success.- February 10 - Dave & Busters PTO Family Fun Night, 5-8 PM (Fair Oaks)
- February 12 - 100th Day of School
- February 14 - Valentine's Day Luncheon
Upcoming Weekly Focus: Love
Character Strengths: You value close relationships with others and being close to people.
Quote of the Week: “Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps
fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”
Positivity Project for FamiliesFamilies can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.
A few amazing highlights that happened this week...First grade students enjoying some warm weather on the playground.
Due to a Healthy Kids grant, our school was able to purchase four benches that were put together by some members of our EcoClub.
Valentine's Day LunchWe are excited to invite Bonnie Brae families in for lunch on Valentine’s Day, February 14! Parents and guardians are invited to attend lunch during their child’s lunch period, as we celebrate the Positivity Project character strength of Love the week of February 10-14. Students will be able to purchase lunch from the cafeteria on February 14, and while we do not have enough for parents to purchase from Bonnie Brae, we encourage any family members who attend to bring a lunch to eat with their child. (On this day, family members can also bring a lunch for their child if they wish.)
If you would like to join your child/children for lunch on Valentine’s Day, please complete this form so we can plan for seating. We look forward to seeing you!
Lunch Schedule:- Kindergarten --- 10:55-11:25
- Grade 2 --- 11:05-11:35
- Grade 3 --- 11:40-12:10
- Grade 1 --- 11:50-12:20
- EAC --- 12:10-12:40
- Grade 4 --- 12:15-12:45
- Grade 6 --- 12:25-12:55
- Grade 5 --- 12:55-1:25
If you would like to volunteer to support before, during, or after lunch on February 14, please email the PTO at [email protected] to let them know you can help!
Presidents Day (Holiday)All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, February 17, for the Presidents Day holiday. See the complete school year calendar.
Black History Month Kick-Off Celebration (Note: Date Change)FCPS’ Chief Equity Office invites the community to an Inaugural Black History Month Kickoff Celebration on Wednesday, February 19, 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Carter G. Woodson High School.
The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community.
For more information, contact Nina Thomas, senior manager for Professional Learning and Cultural Responsiveness.
Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on ImmunizationsPlease make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!
Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE.
Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!
Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale! All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025. Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4. These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.
To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit and use School ID Number 725788.
We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).
Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June.
Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details
Best Buddies Friendship WalkJoin us, the SUPER SCOTTIES, as we participate in the Best Buddies Friendship Walk on the National Mall in Washington, DC on April 26. The Best Buddies Friendship Walk raises funds and awareness for the inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our Scottie family is so excited to be participating in the walk this year and joining with others, in investing in a world where people with IDD are fully accepted and integrated into society. Visit the Best Buddies Friendship Walk page to learn more about this event!
Our Scottie community can join us either by donating, or by joining our team and walking with us. Visit our Super Scotties Fundraiser page to donate or join our team!
Rambunctious Theater Company Presents Seussical the Musical!Come enjoy a musical that includes all your favorite Dr. Seuss characters and is performed by Robinson Secondary students! Buy Tickets and learn more about this production at the Seussical the Musical webpage. Check out this promo featuring some former Bonnie Brae Scotties!
FCPS Proposed Budget ProgressThe Fairfax County School Board discussed the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at their work session on February 4. They discussed details regarding student enrollment and investments in students requiring additional support, market comparison data for surrounding school divisions, and an update on progress toward achieving the Baldrige Award for Performance Excellence. Baldrige is a framework used to assess and improve organizational performance across various sectors, including education.
The School Board also held a public hearing on the FY 2026 Proposed Budget on Tuesday, February 4, where they invited the community to share their feedback on the budget.
On Tuesday, February 18, the Fairfax County executive will present the county’s Advertised Budget, and the Fairfax County School Board will hold a work session on the FCPS FY 2026 Proposed Budget. View FCPS’ Budget Development Calendar.
Breaking Down the BudgetMore than 85% of the budget is dedicated to instruction and reflects the needs of our community’s young people in response to the changing world around us. Budget priorities include providing competitive compensation for all employees, including a 7% salary increase for all staff. The majority of the budget increase is dedicated to that proposed 7% pay increase.
Our families want their children in high-quality schools with the best teachers who provide rigorous academic experiences. We must provide competitive compensation to attract and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students.
The proposed 7% salary increase would likely move FCPS to the highest starting salary for teachers with a master's degree among our neighboring counties and greatly improve our recruitment efforts amidst an ongoing teacher shortage. Visit the Budget webpage for more information.
Fun times on the swings!
Dual Language Immersion Lottery RegistrationCountywide lottery registration for the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program for first graders in the 2025-26 school year is open through Thursday, February 13, at 4 p.m. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program through Thursday, March 6, at 4 p.m.
Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish.
Interested parents/caregivers may attend an informational meeting at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program registration page for a list of meetings by language offered.
Get more details on the DLI Program webpage.
Learn About Science, Technology, and Arts Magnet SchoolsThree FCPS elementary magnet schools — Hunters Woods, Bailey’s Primary, and Bailey’s Upper — provide enhanced learning programs in science, technology, and performing arts.
Registration for the 2025-26 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 4, through Friday, April 4. Learn more about the programs on the Elementary Magnet Schools page and information on the magnet lottery on our Registration page.
Students Invited to Share Their Voices at the 2025 Family SummitThe 2025 FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, March 15, at South Lakes High School. Visit the Family Summit webpage for more information.
At the event, FCPS students are invited to showcase projects and advocacy efforts around inclusivity in schools. This is a great resume-building opportunity, and students can earn service hours as well. Students may share their work in a share-fair environment using posters, essays, videos, songs, or art. They will interact with attendees through conversations about their work, ideas, and efforts to foster inclusivity in school communities.
Students must use this Google Form to participate by Monday, February 17. A list of possible projects is also on the form. More information will be provided after the student’s submission is received. Please contact Manuel Gomez Portillo with any questions.
✨ Centering student voice is part of FCPS’ Strategic Plan Goal 2: Safe, Supported, Included, and Empowered.
Enjoying time outside on the slide while it was sunny and warm.
BBES Parent Course on Schoology: New Update New information has been uploaded to our Parent Schoology Course.New this week: Theatre 4 Kids Foundation & Robinson Secondary Seussical the Musical Tickets Opportunity
In order to access Schoology, you must be signed up for a Parent Vue account and can use those credentials to sign in. Don't have a Parent Vue account? Register today!
Dave and Buster's Family Fun Night-Next Week!Mark your calendars for an exciting night full of family fun! We're partnering with Dave and Buster's for a fundraiser where the PTO will receive 20% of all food and game-play sales! Families must present our BBES Dave & Busters Flyer at the time of purchase.
When: Monday, February 10, 5-8 PM
Where: Dave and Buster's Fair Oaks (11958 U Fair Oaks Shopping Center)
Valentine's Day Lunch SIGN UP TO HELP!Bonnie Brae welcomes you to join your Scottie for lunch in the BBES cafeteria/gym on Valentine's Day, February 14th. We'll need your help checking people in and navigating parents to the lunch spot at the designated times so we can take this load off our wonderful front office team and ensure a quick process for families! This also ensures the kiddos can navigate to their lunch location or leave for class in an orderly manner and not have to weave through too many adults.
Please sign up here to help!!
Cardinal Gymnastics Parents Night Out Fundraiser - EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT!!Have a great night out kid-free while they enjoy an awesome FOUR HOUR evening at Cardinal Gymnastics!!! They'll have fun with gymnastics, games, crafts, and pizza! Register by February 19th here for an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT (the flyer says 2/14 but has been extended to 2/19).
When: Saturday, March 8th from 5PM-9PM
Where: Cardinal Gymnastics, 5581 Guinea Rd, Fairfax
Cost: $50/student Early Bird Discount until 2/19 (then $60/student)
Read-a-thon COMING SOON!Mark your calendar for our biggest and most important fundraiser of the year! Our Boosterthon last year was so successful, so we're taking the fundraiser in-house this year, where ALL FUNDS RAISED will come DIRECTLY to our community, thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers! Mark your calendars for February 24th, and keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
Spring Session After School Clubs UpdateDue to several factors (scheduling, renovations, and volunteer availability), the PTO will not be running a spring session of the After School Club program. We intend to bring these back in the 2025-26 school year. The current winter session will run as scheduled.
If your family has benefitted from these programs, we encourage you to volunteer on the ASP committee and consider submitting your name for the PTO Board position of VP of Programs, whose focus is on running these wonderful clubs.
Open Board PositionsBe a part of making our Scottie community so amazing by joining the PTO! Make new friends, serve your community, and help make magical memories for your kiddos!
Nominations will be made at the March PTO Meeting (3/19) and Voting will occur at the May PTO Meeting (5/21). The following board positions are open for 2025-2026:
Treasurer Backfill: Learn from the BEST! Our current Treasurer will roll off next year as she says farewell to Bonnie Brae, so train under her and offer support for next year!
Co-VP Programs: Do you love our awesome after school clubs? We'll need a new lead to keep them running next year!
Co-VP Fundraising: Help raise funds for all the amazing things we offer throughout the year!
President-Elect: Train under the 25-26 President so you'll be ready to rock and roll as President the following year!
Papa John's Fundraiser - EVERY MONDAY!!Support the PTO with this great deal!
Order online and get 40% OFF all regular menu prices and Papa John's will donate 10% of sales to the PTO! View the Papa John's Fundraiser flyer for more details.
When: EVERY MONDAY (expires June 9, 2025)
Where: Papa John's Burke
PTO Subscription CalendarWe're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:
- February 17 - Washington's Birthday/Presidents' Day Holiday (no school for students and staff)
- February 19 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (Cafeteria)
- February 24 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday, 12:15 PM
- February 28 - SCA Spirit Day: Dress to Impress
- March 4 - 3rd Quarter Interims Sent Home
- March 17 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday, 12:15 PM
- March 19 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (Cafeteria)
- March 27 - Staff Basketball Game, 6-8 PM (Robinson Secondary)
- March 28 - Last Day of Third Quarter
- March 28 - SCA Spirit Day: Multiples Day
Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.
FCPS Standard School Year Calendar
Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)
5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance: 703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook