Bonnie Brae ES: PTO Reminders

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Virtual PTO Meeting Tonight!

Join us for a virtual PTO meeting this month and get info on all the upcoming events, updates from our great Admin staff, and hear about all the great things going on with our Scottie Community!

When: TODAY! at 6PM

Where: Join the call here

Open Board Positions

Be a part of making our Scottie community so amazing by joining the PTO! Make new friends, serve your community, and help make magical memories for your kiddos!

The following board roles are open for 2025-2026:

Treasurer Backfill: Learn from the BEST! Our current Treasurer will roll off next year as she says farewell to Bonnie Brae, so train under her and offer support for next year!

Co-VP Programs: Do you love our awesome after school clubs? We'll need a new lead to keep them running next year! 

Co-VP Fundraising: Help raise funds for all the amazing things we offer throughout the year!

President-Elect: Train under the 25-26 President so you'll be ready to rock and roll as President the following year! 

Staff Basketball Game - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED

If you had fun last year at the BBES Staff Basketball Game and want to help make it even bigger and better, please join the planning committee! Your fun ideas and help will grow this event and make it super special!

Send an email to [email protected] to sign up today. You'll be contacted by the Events Lead shortly.

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

GovDelivery4 days 20 hours ago

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Hello, Scottie families!  

What a great day today!  A short day, but a great one, full of fun, laughter, and learning together.  It had been a long time coming, but the first day of school in 2025 was a great opportunity for us to reconnect with each other and share stories from winter break and snow day experiences.

Have a wonderful weekend.  We will see our Scotties back on Monday for a full week of learning.  

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.
  • January 13-17 - FCPS Family Math Week
  • January 15 - Robinson Curriculum Night for Families (for rising Robinson 7th grade families and current Robinson grades 7-11 parents), 5-8 PM (Robinson Secondary)
  • January 15 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (virtual)
Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Prudence

Character Strengths:  You plan for the future and achieve your goals by making careful everyday choices.

Quote of the Week:  “Discipline is what gives you freedom in life.”


Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week... Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday

Schools and offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. See the complete school year calendar.

Robinson Curriculum Night for Families of Rising 7th Grade Students - January 15

Families of rising 7th grade students are invited to attend the Robinson Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 15, 5-8 PM. Families will learn about middle school courses, curriculum, and educational services.  

Teachers from all subjects (core and elective) will be available to answer your questions and share more details about what to expect from their class. Specialists will also be available to discuss special education needs and how to support multilingual learners and immersion students.

Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish and links will be available in the New Year.

To learn more about Family Math Nights, check out this video. Help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!

Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale!  All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025.  Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4.  These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.

To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit and use School ID Number 725788

We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).

Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June. 

Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details.

Gradebook Available Until End-of-Quarter

Based on community feedback from the first quarter closure, FCPS revisited the scheduled dates for closing the Gradebook and Report Card modules in the SIS ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps. 

Moving forward, the app will close in alignment with the actual quarter-end dates. This change will allow students and families to view their assignments and grades until the last day of the quarter. Gradebook will be closed for the second quarter from Tuesday, January 28, 4 p.m. to Tuesday, February 4, 6 a.m.

Access Your Child’s Grades Through SIS ParentVue

Learn how your ParentVUE account allows you to easily access grade reports and other helpful information about your child. 

Phones Down, Engagement Up: FCPS Cell Phone Policy

Keeping cell phones off during the school day helps students focus and learn. It also boosts positive social behavior. Review FCPS’ cell phone expectations by grade level with your child and help keep our classrooms free of distractions! If you need to reach your child during the school day, please call our main office, (703) 321-3900. 

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes; on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring; essay editing; and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors

National Mentoring Month

Imagine a world where young people feel empowered, encouraged, and understood. Mentors can make that world a reality by helping young people find and follow their passions, excel in school, and thrive wherever they are.Learn more about Mentoring Month.

Research has shown that young people with at least one trusted mentor are less likely to skip school, less likely to use illegal drugs or drink alcohol, and more prepared to enter college or the workforce. Yet one in three children lack a mentor.

All it takes is one person to serve as a trusted adult to help change a young person’s path in life. Mentors provide attention, support, and enrichment, and help connect their mentees to resources that may help them on their journey in life.

The FCPS MentorWorks program matches mentors with students in schools near where they live or work. They meet for at least 30 minutes a week. Learn more about how to become a mentor for an FCPS student. Contact Martha Macdonald, mentoring specialist, for additional information at [email protected]

PTO Bingo Games!

Come support a 6th grade fundraiser and enjoy an unforgettable evening of excitement, and the thrill of the win at Bingo Games!

Get your dabbers ready and mark your calendars for an evening filled with fun times and friends.  All are welcome!

***Students must be accompanied by an adult.  This is not a drop off event.***

When:  Friday, January 24, 6:30-8 PM

Where:  Bonnie Brae Cafeteria

  • January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (no school for students and staff)
  • January 24 - PTO Bingo Night, 6-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • January 28 - Second Quarter Ends
  • January 28 - Winter Strings Concert (Grades 5 & 6 Strings Students), 6:30-7:30 PM (Oak View Elementary)
  • January 29 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
  • January 30 - Third Quarter Begins
  • February 7 - Clubs and Candids Photos
  • February 14 - Valentine's Day Luncheon
  • February 17 - Washington's Birthday/Presidents' Day Holiday (no school for students and staff)
  • February 19 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (Cafeteria)

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES - Family Newsletter

GovDelivery5 days 23 hours ago

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Snow Days!

We hope you everyone enjoyed their winter break and the recent snow days.  We look forward to hearing from our Scotties about their snowy adventures as soon as we return to school!

Our custodial team has been hard at work clearing our sidewalks, parking lots, Scottland Yard blacktop and decking in preparation for our students and staff to safely return.  We are appreciative of their efforts to ensure our school is ready for the start of 2025!

A reminder to please send students to school with coats, hats, gloves, etc. during these cold winter months. 

Stay warm, everyone!  We can't wait to see our students, parents, and staff soon! 

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

GovDelivery3 weeks 4 days ago

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Hello, Scottie families!  

What a great week it has been, filled with fun and learning.  Our class winter celebrations have been a joy to see, and SCA Spirit Day - Cozy Day, was also a huge hit today!  It was awesome seeing so many of our staff and students in their comfy clothes, PJ's or Bonnie Brae colors of blue and white.  

Thank you to all who helped make our December Days of Cheer so special for our staff.  It has been a fun month at Bonnie Brae, and your donations have been greatly appreciated!  

As we head into break, we hope you all have an opportunity to relax and spend some quality time with family, friends, and loved ones these next two weeks. A reminder that the office will be closed over break, and will reopen when school resumes on January 6, 2025. 

Happy winter break, Scotties! 

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 
Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Optimism

Character Strengths:  You expect the best from the future and work to achieve it.

Quote of the Week:  “Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive,
good things and good people will be drawn to you.”


Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

Students and staff signed a support beam that will be installed in our new wing.

Winter Break (Student Holiday)

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025See the complete school year calendar.

Bonnie Brae Office Closed Over Winter Break

The Bonnie Brae office will be closed over winter break, December 23-January 3.  The office will reopen when students return on Monday, January 6.

Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!

Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale!  All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025.  Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4.  These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.

To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit and use School ID Number 725788

We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).

Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June. 

Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details.

Robinson Curriculum Night for Families of Rising 7th Grade Students - January 15

Families of rising 7th grade students are invited to attend the Robinson Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 15, 5-8 PM. Families will learn about middle school courses, curriculum, and educational services.  

Teachers from all subjects (core and elective) will be available to answer your questions and share more details about what to expect from their class. Specialists will also be available to discuss special education needs and how to support multilingual learners and immersion students.

Family Math Week

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17, 2025. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish and links will be available in the New Year.

To learn more about Family Math Nights, check out this video. Help us reach our goal of logging on for three million minutes as an FCPS community. 

Be Among the First to Hear About School Delays/Closings

Watch this video to see how FCPS makes weather closing decisions

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible, including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated.

Be among the first to hear about weather delays and closings! Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE. Emails and text messages are sent to parents and caregivers based on the addresses and cell phone numbers entered on this platform.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting. Meetings are held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and DLI Program Registration webpage.

Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in a virtual meeting:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

All virtual meetings will follow the same format as the in-person meetings that were recently held, and the same information will be shared. Please stay tuned for details on how to register. Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage to learn more. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

New Bonnie Brae Spirit Wear-Construction Themed!

We're excited to announce a special fun construction themed Spiritwear sale! Check out our portal for the adorable design in various Scotties themed items.

The “Building the Future” portal is open for orders through Sunday, December 22nd.  Orders will be sent home with your student mid-January.

Your purchase will also help support the BBES PTO and $3 per item will help support our Scottie community as we build the future together!  Thank you for your support! 

Winter Session After School Clubs - Spaces Available!

iCode's Robotics class and Acting for Young People still have space available for the upcoming winter session of after school clubs! Visit their websites directly to sign your student up!

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

Join the PTO

Get involved, stay connected, and learn what's happening with our Scottie community! We're an organization of parents, school staff, and community members supporting our Scotties and school community. Join the PTO today: 

Donate ANY TIME!

Don't wait for a fundraiser to donate to the PTO! Share via text, email, or social media with your family and friends. Let them know that donations support our Scotties with field trip transportation, assemblies and enrichment programs, fun and educational events for all students, and so much more! Donate today!

Amazing Volunteers Needed!

Are you looking for a way to feel connected with your school community and want to help make so many wonderful memories for your Scottie? We make it SO easy to help! Pick and choose volunteer opportunities from a menu of options! Fill out the google form today and we will contact you as we get close to the event to help:

  • January 13-17 - FCPS Family Math Week
  • January 15 - Robinson Curriculum Night for Families (for rising Robinson 7th grade families and current Robinson grades 7-11 parents), 5-8 PM (Robinson Secondary)
  • January 15 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (virtual)
  • January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (no school for students and staff)
  • January 24 - PTO Bingo Night, 6-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • January 28 - Second Quarter Ends
  • January 28 - Winter Strings Concert, 6:30-7:30 PM (Oak View Elementary)
  • January 29 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
  • January 30 - Third Quarter Begins

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: SCA Spirit Day-Cozy Day (Friday, Dec. 20)

GovDelivery3 weeks 5 days ago

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SCA Spirit Day - Cozy Day is Friday, December 20

Wear comfy clothing on the last day before winter break, or wear Bonnie Brae spirit wear colors or blue and white!  Stuffed animals, must fit in a backpack, are also invited!

Comfy clothing options (wear sneakers):

  • Pajamas 
  • Bonnie Brae spirit wear 
  • Clothing that is blue and white
  • Activewear

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES PTO: Spiritwear Portal Closes Dec. 22

GovDelivery3 weeks 6 days ago

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Spiritwear Portal OPEN UNTIL 12/22!!! ORDER NOW!!!

We're excited to announce a special fun construction themed Spiritwear sale! Check out our portal for the adorable design in various Scotties themed items.

The “Building the Future” portal is open for orders through Sunday, December 22nd.  Orders will be sent home with your student mid-January.

Your purchase will also help support the BBES PTO and $3 per item will help support our Scottie community as we build the future together!  Thank you for your support! 

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Lost & Found, Yearbook Cover Contest, & Office Closed Winter Break

GovDelivery4 weeks ago

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Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing!  We have sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, and other items in our Bonnie Brae lost and found.  Be sure to check in at the main office and look through the lost and found (located in our lobby by the Scottland Yard doors) by Friday, December 20 to see if any of the items belong to your child/children.  Bonnie Brae staff will collect all items remaining in our lost and found this Friday, December 20 and donate them to a local cause.

2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Contest-Submissions due December 20

We are excited to announce this year's yearbook cover theme is, "Building for the future!".  Students can submit cover designs until Friday, December 20.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Fuller either in her art room or via email, [email protected].

Yearbook Cover Requirements:

  • Must have our school name: Bonnie Brae
  • Must have the school year: 2024-2025
  • Must be drawn on white/blank/unlined 8.5"x11" paper (portrait) (See Mrs. Fuller if you need paper)
  • Please check your spelling -  All words used must be spelled correctly
  • Little to no eraser marks (draw light, then outline)
  • Create a cover that includes images that go with the theme
  • Must be an original idea, the more creative the better
  • Must be colorful
  • Must be your own work and be individually done
  • Must include your full name and grade level on the back of the design
  • Turn in cover entries to your classroom teacher
Bonnie Brae Office Closed Over Winter Break

The Bonnie Brae office will be closed over winter break, December 23-January 3.  The office will reopen when students return on Monday, January 6.

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

GovDelivery1 month ago

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Hello, Scottie families!  

What a fun week of learning and celebrating at Bonnie Brae!  On Wednesday we had our 5th & 6th grade band and chorus performances for students during the day, and for family and friends in the evening.  The concerts showcased the many talents of our Scotties, and we are grateful for the support of our staff and families for instilling a love of the arts (and of learning!) in our students. 

Thank you to those who have donated to our staff December Days of Cheer.  We have enjoyed celebrating the start of the winter season with students and staff alike.  We are looking forward to continuing the fun, learning, and community building next week, as we finish 2024 with with grade level parties on Thursday and Friday before heading into winter break. 

Enjoy the weekend and the time with family and friends! 


Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.
  • December 16-20 - Visit Bonnie Brae Lost and Found and Look for Lost Items 

  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Self-Control

Character Strengths:  You have the ability to control your emotions and behaviors. You think before you act.

Quote of the Week:  “You have power over your mind – not outside events.
Realize this, and you will find strength.”



Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

Staff enjoyed a delicious pancake breakfast from admin!

Good news phone calls are the best!

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing!  We have sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, and other items in our Bonnie Brae lost and found.  Be sure to check in at the main office and look through the lost and found (located in our lobby by the Scottland Yard doors) during the month of December to see if any of the items belong to your child/children.  Bonnie Brae staff will collect all items remaining in our lost and found on Friday, December 20 and donate them to a local cause.

Winter Break (Student Holiday)

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025See the complete school year calendar.

Bonnie Brae Office Closed Over Winter Break

The Bonnie Brae office will be closed over winter break, December 23-January 3.  The office will reopen when students return on Monday, January 6.

Window for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to our AART, Larissa Sheehan [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024. The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms PageNo late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Larissa Sheehan at the above email. Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please view Bonnie Brae's Full Time Services Process Overview.

2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Contest

We are excited to announce this year's yearbook cover theme is, "Building for the future!".  Students can submit cover designs until Friday, December 20.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Fuller either in her art room or via email, [email protected].

Yearbook Cover Requirements:

  • Must have our school name: Bonnie Brae
  • Must have the school year: 2024-2025
  • Must be drawn on white/blank/unlined 8.5"x11" paper (portrait) (See Mrs. Fuller if you need paper)
  • Please check your spelling -  All words used must be spelled correctly
  • Little to no eraser marks (draw light, then outline)
  • Create a cover that includes images that go with the theme
  • Must be an original idea, the more creative the better
  • Must be colorful
  • Must be your own work and be individually done
  • Must include your full name and grade level on the back of the design
  • Turn in cover entries to your classroom teacher
Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!

Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale!  All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025.  Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4.  These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.

To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit and use School ID Number 725788

We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).

Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June. 

Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details.

Student and Family Resources

Fairfax County Public Schools has compiled a list of resources for students and families in case they need assistance while schools are closed for winter break. Please visit FCPS’ winter resources webpage for information on academic support, mental health support, and county resources related to food, clothing, housing, and other needs.

School’s Closed, Learning Can Continue! 

FCPS encourages students to take advantage of fun learning opportunities during winter break and snow days. Consider these winter activities to blend education and play for your students during winter break or weather-related school closures. 

Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

The latest issue of the FCPS Special Education and 504 Newsletter is available online. Topics in this issue include:

  • Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities
  • Save the Date: 2025 Family Summit
  • SEL Screener Results
  • New Accessibility Resources
  • Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Program
  • Executive Functioning Webinars
  • Early Literacy Resources
  • ESY and Assessment Webinar

Subscribe to the Special Education and 504 Newsletter

Community Meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review

If you did not get a chance to attend one of the recent community meetings on the Comprehensive Boundary Review, please consider attending the final meeting in this first phase of the boundary review process. The Region 1 meeting will take place Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m.,in the Madison High School cafeteria. Register today. If you are unable to participate, stay tuned for details about virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings coming early next year.

View FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information. Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

New Bonnie Brae Spirit Wear-Construction Themed!

We're excited to announce a special fun construction themed Spiritwear sale! Check out our portal for the adorable design in various Scotties themed items.

The “Building the Future” portal is open for orders through Sunday, December 22nd.  Orders will be sent home with your student mid-January.

Your purchase will also help support the BBES PTO and $3 per item will help support our Scottie community as we build the future together!  Thank you for your support! 

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

Join the PTO

Get involved, stay connected, and learn what's happening with our Scottie community! We're an organization of parents, school staff, and community members supporting our Scotties and school community. Join the PTO today: 

Donate ANY TIME!

Don't wait for a fundraiser to donate to the PTO! Share via text, email, or social media with your family and friends. Let them know that donations support our Scotties with field trip transportation, assemblies and enrichment programs, fun and educational events for all students, and so much more! Donate today!

Amazing Volunteers Needed!

Are you looking for a way to feel connected with your school community and want to help make so many wonderful memories for your Scottie? We make it SO easy to help! Pick and choose volunteer opportunities from a menu of options! Fill out the google form today and we will contact you as we get close to the event to help:

  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 
  • January 15 - Robinson Curriculum Night for Parents (for rising Robinson 7th grade parents and current Robinson grades 7-11 parents), 5-8 PM (Robinson Secondary)
  • January 15 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (virtual)
  • January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (no school for students and staff)
  • January 24 - PTO Bingo Night, 6-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • January 28 - Second Quarter Ends
  • January 28 - Winter Strings Concert, 6:30-7:30 PM (Oak View Elementary)
  • January 29 - Teacher Workday (no school for students)
  • January 30 - Third Quarter Begins

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES PTO: Five Guys Restaurant Night & After School Club Registration Opens

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Five Guys Restaurant Night - TONIGHT!!!

Join us for our favorite restaurant night of the year at Five Guys! Come get some delicious burgers and fries while supporting the PTO at the same time!  View the Five Guys Restaurant Night flyer

When: Tuesday, Dec 10th from 4-9PM

Where: Five Guys in Burke

Registration for Winter After School Clubs - Opens Tonight!

Registration for Teacher-led After School Clubs opens tonight, Tuesday, Dec.10 at 7 PM!

Make sure to check out the available programs and register early to get your spot. Community-led program registration is now open!

Email [email protected] with any questions. 

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for upcoming events/fundraisers by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Early Release Monday Today!

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Early Release Monday Today

Today, students will be dismissed three hours early at 12:15 PM.

As a reminder, if you completed the form and shared that your child/children will need to stay at Bonnie Brae on our Early Release Monday, they will be dismissed at the regular time of 3:15 PM.

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

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Hello, Scottie families!  

Thank you to those who have been able to donate to our staff December Days of Cheer.  We are grateful for the support of such a generous community.  

Please see the section below about our lost & found, which is overflowing!  We ask families to check the lost and found for missing items these next two weeks.  Any items remaining on December 20 will be donated to a local cause.

A reminder that our next Early Release Monday is next week, on December 9. Students will be dismissed at 12:15 PM, with the afternoon time dedicated for teachers to complete state required trainings.  For families who have shared with us that their child will stay at school due to child care needs, dismissal will take place at our regular time of 3:15 PM.  

Enjoy the weekend with your family!

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.
  • December 8-20 - Visit Bonnie Brae Lost and Found and Look for Lost Items 

  • December 8 - PTO Skating Social Fundraiser, 12-3:45 PM (Fairfax Ice Arena)
  • December 9 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday,12:15 PM
  • December 11 - Band Concert, 6-7 PM (Gym)
  • December 11- Chorus Concert, 7-8 PM (Cafeteria)
Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Other People Mindset - Supporting Others When They Struggle

Character Strengths:  When other people are struggling, I do my best to help them out.

Quote of the Week:  “Giving back is as good for you as it is for those you
are helping because giving gives you purpose.”


Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

Kindergarten and sixth grade students collaborated and created their own balloons over Broadway!

Fifth grade students enjoying recess; even when it is really cold!

Early Release Monday-December 9

The next Early Release Monday is December 9.  Students will be dismissed three hours early at 12:15 PM. 

As a reminder, if you completed the form and shared that your student will need to stay at Bonnie Brae on our Early Release Monday, they will be dismissed at the regular time of 3:15 PM. 

Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

We are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations. Please make sure to send gift cards to the office by Friday, December 13th.

Thank you for helping us show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 

Winter Break (Student Holiday)

As a reminder, winter break will be held Monday, December 23, to Friday, January 3. To help make sure you and your children have a restful break, we have asked that no homework be assigned during this time. Teachers may assign long-range assignments in the weeks ahead of the break, allowing students to practice time management skills, but no assignments will be due immediately following the break. We look forward to welcoming students back in the new year.Classes resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. See the complete school year calendar.

Window for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to our AART, Larissa Sheehan [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024. The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Larissa Sheehan at the above email. Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please view Bonnie Brae's Full Time Services Process Overview.

Bonnie Brae 2024-2025 Outstanding Employees

Congrats to our 2024-2025 BBES Outstanding Employees! We had several nominations in each of our categories and we are excited to announce the following winners:

  • Outstanding Teacher – Christine Thomas
  • Outstanding New Teacher – Jennifer Cheung
  • Outstanding New Principal – Morgan Birge
  • Outstanding Leader – Natalie Vershaw
  • Outstanding Professional Employee – April Cascio
  • Outstanding Operational Employee – Christiane Weiss

Thank you to all of those who submitted nominations this year! We appreciate your support and recognition of our staff.

2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Contest

We are excited to announce this year's yearbook cover theme is, "Building for the future!".  Students can submit cover designs until Friday, December 20.  If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Fuller either in her art room or via email, [email protected].

Yearbook Cover Requirements:

  • Must have our school name: Bonnie Brae
  • Must have the school year: 2024-2025
  • Must be drawn on white/blank/unlined 8.5"x11" paper (portrait) (See Mrs. Fuller if you need paper)
  • Please check your spelling -  All words used must be spelled correctly
  • Little to no eraser marks (draw light, then outline)
  • Create a cover that includes images that go with the theme
  • Must be an original idea, the more creative the better
  • Must be colorful
  • Must be your own work and be individually done
  • Must include your full name and grade level on the back of the design
  • Turn in cover entries to your classroom teacher
Literacy Resources for Families

Information about our FCPS literacy curriculum and resources to use at home to support instruction can be found at the following sites:

Order Our 2024-2025 Bonnie Brae Yearbook!

Bonnie Brae yearbooks are officially on sale!  All orders (online only) are due by April 4, 2025.  Soft cover yearbooks are $18, hard cover yearbooks are $24, and there is an option to add a foil name stamp for an additional $4.  These prices are for all yearbooks purchased by April 4, 2025.

To order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook via credit card online, visit and use School ID Number 725788

We will have a limited number of yearbooks for sale on-site in June at a cost of $20 per soft cover yearbook (no hard cover yearbooks will be sold on-site).

Yearbooks are expected to arrive late-May/early June. 

Visit the Bonnie Brae Yearbook webpage for details.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing!  We have sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, and other items in our Bonnie Brae lost and found.  Be sure to check in at the main office and look through the lost and found (located in our lobby by the Scottland Yard doors) during the month of December to see if any of the items belong to your child/children.  Bonnie Brae staff will collect all items remaining in our lost and found on Friday, December 20 and donate them to a local cause.

Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times

At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.

Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the text.

Food Assistance and Resource Guide

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.

Bundle Up With Books Over Break

Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered.

Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.

Skating Social Fundraiser

Join us for the first of its kind Skating Social Fundraiser! Enjoy an afternoon of skating with your Scottie besties while supporting the PTO and a great local business! Present the Skating Flyer to the cashier for credit for the fundraiser. 

When: Sunday, December 8th from 12PM - 3:45PM

Where: 3779 Pickett Rd, Fairfax, VA 

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for every event/fundraiser by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

After School Programs - Winter Registration

Registration for the winter session of After School Programs opens next week on Tuesday, 12/10 at 7pm! Fliers went home earlier this week, and the PTO website has all the details on the exciting club options and registration process. Acceptance is on a first come, first serve basis, so make sure to check out the information ahead of time. 

Join the PTO

Get involved, stay connected, and learn what's happening with our Scottie community! We're an organization of parents, school staff, and community members supporting our Scotties and school community. Join the PTO today: 

Donate ANY TIME!

Don't wait for a fundraiser to donate to the PTO! Share via text, email, or social media with your family and friends. Let them know that donations support our Scotties with field trip transportation, assemblies and enrichment programs, fun and educational events for all students, and so much more! Donate today!

Amazing Volunteers Needed!

Are you looking for a way to feel connected with your school community and want to help make so many wonderful memories for your Scottie? We make it SO easy to help! Pick and choose volunteer opportunities from a menu of options! Fill out the google form today and we will contact you as we get close to the event to help:

  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 
  • January 15 - Robinson Curriculum Night for Parents (for rising Robinson 7th grade parents and current Robinson grades 7-11 parents), 5-8 PM (Robinson Secondary)
  • January 15 - PTO Meeting, 6-7:30 PM (virtual)
  • January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday (no school for students and staff)
  • January 24 - PTO Bingo Night, 6-8 PM (Cafeteria)

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: December Days of Cheer Reminder

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

We have two sign-up opportunities linked below, each with awesome ways to show your support for our staff during the month of December:

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

Please sign-up for donations for the treats and activities

Additionally, we are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations.

These are two opportunities to show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: December Days of Cheer

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

We have two sign-up opportunities linked below, each with awesome ways to show your support for our staff during the month of December:

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

Please sign-up for donations for the treats and activities

Additionally, we are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations.

These are two opportunities to show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Early Release Monday, Dec. Cheer, AAP Referral Deadline & PTO Updates

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Early Release Monday-December 9

Our next Early Release Monday is December 9.  Students will be released three hours early at 12:15 PM. Parents and caregivers, please be sure to complete the Early Release Monday form that your child's teacher shared with you (and also located here) so that we are aware how your child will go home on December 9.  Changes to your child's dismissal plan cannot occur after close of business Wednesday, December 4.

As a reminder, if you complete the form and share that your student will need to stay at Bonnie Brae on our Early Release Monday, they will be dismissed at the regular time of 3:15 PM.  Thank you for completing the form to help us plan for next week.  

Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

Hello Bonnie Brae community! We are excited to see all of our Scotties tomorrow! We have two sign-up opportunities linked below, each with awesome ways to show your support for our staff during the month of December:

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

Please sign-up for donations for the treats and activities

Additionally, we are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations.

These are two opportunities to show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 

Window for Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs (AAP) Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to our AART, Larissa Sheehan [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024. The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Larissa Sheehan at the above email. Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please view Bonnie Brae's Full Time Services Process Overview.

Skating Social Fundraiser

Join us for the first of its kind Skating Social Fundraiser! Enjoy an afternoon of skating with your Scottie besties while supporting the PTO and a great local business! Present the Skating Flyer to the cashier for credit for the fundraiser. 

When: Sunday, December 8th from 12PM - 3:45PM

Where: 3779 Pickett Rd, Fairfax, VA 

PTO Subscription Calendar

We're catching up with technology and cutting down on paper waste! Help us save trees and reduce flyers for upcoming events/fundraisers by subscribing to the PTO Calendar. Visit our website here for instructions:

Krispy Kreme 6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser -- FINAL DAY TO ORDER TODAY!!!

TODAY is the FINAL day to place your order for some yummy donuts and to support a great cause! Even if you don't want donuts for yourself, sponsor a dozen to be delivered directly to our brave first responders locally!

Pre-order by December 3 for local pickup.  Use the QR Code or visit our preorder website.

Pickup Time:  Saturday, December 7, 9-10 AM

Pickup Location:  Bonnie Brae Elementary School 

***Any orders not picked up will be donated to first responders.***

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: December Days of Cheer

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

Hello Bonnie Brae community! We are excited to see all of our Scotties tomorrow! We have two sign-up opportunities linked below, each with awesome ways to show your support for our staff during the month of December:

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

Please sign-up for donations for the treats and activities

Additionally, we are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations.

These are two opportunities to show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Pre-Order Doughnuts (6th Grade Fundraiser)

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6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser - Last Day to Order Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is Tuesday

Who doesn't love a warm and tasty doughnut?  Support our 6th grade promotion by pre-purchasing Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!  Pre-order by December 3 for local pickup.  Use the QR Code above or visit our preorder website.

Pickup Time:  Saturday, December 7, 9-10 AM

Pickup Location:  Bonnie Brae Elementary School 

***Any orders not picked up will be donated to first responders.***

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES- December Days of Cheer

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Bonnie Brae December Cheer!

Hello Bonnie Brae community! We are excited to see all of our Scotties tomorrow! We have two sign-up opportunities linked below, each with awesome ways to show your support for our staff during the month of December:

In collaboration with the Bonnie Brae PTO, we have special activities and treats planned for twelve days in December to help make the month joyful for our fantastic Bonnie Brae staff, and we cannot do it without you!

Please sign-up for donations for the treats and activities

Additionally, we are seeking donations of gift cards to use in a raffle for our wonderful teachers and staff leading up to winter break! 

Please see the sign-up for gift card donations.

These are two opportunities to show how much we love and appreciate our Scottie staff. Any donation is very appreciated! 


Morgan Birge, Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

Bonnie Brae Elementary


Bonnie Brae ES Website

Bonnie Brae PTO

Bonnie Brae PTO Website

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance: 703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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Hello, Scottie families!  

As we approach Thanksgiving, we want to send a heartfelt "thank you" to our Bonnie Brae parents and caregivers, for partnering with us in your child's education. We have much to be grateful for this time of year, and we appreciate the efforts of our Bonnie Brae family -- working together to ensure the success of each of our Scotties.

Please see below for important updates, and consider purchasing some donuts linked in the 6th grade promotion fundraiser section. This fundraiser, set up by our 6th grade families, supports the end-of-year events for our 6th grade students!  

We hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break, and you enjoy this time with family and friends.  We will see our Scotties back in school on Monday, December 2.

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.

December 2-20 - Visit Bonnie Brae Lost and Found and Look for Lost Items 

Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Kindness

Character Strengths:  You are generous to others and you are never too busy to help out. You enjoy doing good deeds for other people.

Quote of the Week:  “No kind action ever stops with itself. A single act of
kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up to make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them
kind themselves.”


Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

We are so thankful for our Bonnie Brae community!


Schools and offices will be closed November 27-29. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Classes will resume on Monday, December 2. Learn more about the first Thanksgiving. See the complete school year calendar.

Make-up/Retake Picture Day Images Viewable Online

Makeup/Retake Day images are now viewable online. 

  1. Visit:
  2. Use your child's student ID when prompted for the online code.

For questions regarding school pictures please email: [email protected].

Door 1 Temporary Renovation Fencing

Hess Construction has put up a temporary fence outside of Door 1.  The fence will be there for the foreseeable future, as it will allow the construction team to maintain safety for all staff, students, and visitors while work continues on the exterior and new entryway to the renovated wing of the building.

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing!  We have sweatshirts, coats, water bottles, and other items in our Bonnie Brae lost and found.  Be sure to check in at the main office and look through the lost and found (located in our lobby by the Scottland Yard doors) during the month of December to see if any of the items belong to your child/children.  Bonnie Brae staff will collect all items remaining in our lost and found on Friday, December 20 and donate them to a local cause.

6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser - Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!

Who doesn't love a warm and tasty doughnut?  Support our 6th grade promotion by pre-purchasing Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!  Pre-order by December 3 for local pickup.  Use the QR Code above or visit our preorder website.

Pickup Time:  Saturday, December 7, 9-10 AM

Pickup Location:  Bonnie Brae Elementary School 

***Any orders not picked up will be donated to first responders.***

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 6:30-8 p.m., at Lake Braddock Secondary School Cafeteria.

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage

  • December 9 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday,12:15 PM
  • December 11 - Band Concert, 6-7 PM (Gym)
  • December 11- Chorus Concert, 7-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 
  • December 9 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday,12:15 PM
  • December 11 - Band Concert, 6-7 PM (Gym)
  • December 11- Chorus Concert, 7-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Early Release Monday - December 9, 2024

GovDelivery1 month 2 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Complete the Form for our Next Early Release Monday - December 9, 2024

As a reminder, today is a full day of school, as FCPS previously updated our next Early Release Monday to December 9, 2024.  Parents and caregivers, please be sure to complete the Early Release Monday form that your child's teacher shared with you (and also located here) so that we are aware how your child will go home on December 9.  Thank you! 

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

Bonnie Brae ES: Family Newsletter

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Hello, Scottie families!  

We had a great full week of school, capped off by an informative parent coffee this morning, led by Diane Leipzig, former FCPS principal and now Principal-in-Residence of the Instructional Services Literacy Team. Today we also enjoyed our November SCA Spirit Day - Hat Day!  What a treat to see our Scottie students and staff showing their spirit, with fun hats and Bonnie Brae colors of blue and white. 

As we learn about the Positivity Project character strength of gratitude this week, we hope you take a moment to show your gratitude for your child's teacher.  We have an incredibly talented and dedicated staff at Bonnie Brae, and we appreciate all they do to ensure each and every one of our Scotties (and Scottie families) achieve success.  

A reminder that next week schools are closed Wednesday-Friday for Thanksgiving Break.  We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy the time off with your family and friends.  

Morgan Birge, Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal

Melissa Johnson, Assistant Principal

Family.  Relationships.  Success.
  • November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break (no school for students and staff)
Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Gratitude

Character Strengths:  You are aware of and thankful for good things
that happen.

Quote of the Week:  “The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of
appreciation for goodness.”


Positivity Project for Families

Families can find resources to help continue the discussion of character strengths at home by visiting the Positivity Project for Families webpage.

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

An incredible rainbow was seen over Bonnie Brae during dismissal!

And then we had our first snowflakes of the school year on Friday!


Schools and offices will be closed November 27-29. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! Classes will resume on Monday, December 2. Learn more about the first Thanksgiving. See the complete school year calendar.

Arrival & Dismissal Safety-No Double Parking on Sideburn Road

The safety of our students, parents, and staff continues to be our top priority.  Please see below for reminders of important safety procedures implemented here at Bonnie Brae during arrival and dismissal. 

  • When departing the Kiss & Ride loop, please only turn right onto Sideburn Road
  • Only utilize parking along Sideburn Road that is designated for parking.  “Double parking” is not permitted by Fairfax County and is a safety hazard to arriving/departing students and families. 
  • U-Turns on Sideburn Road are prohibited by Fairfax County
Make-up/Retake Picture Day Images Viewable Online

Makeup/Retake Day images are now viewable online. 

  1. Visit:
  2. Use your child's student ID when prompted for the online code.

For questions regarding school pictures please email: [email protected].

6th Grade Promotion Fundraiser - Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!

Who doesn't love a warm and tasty doughnut?  Support our 6th grade promotion by pre-purchasing Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!  Pre-order by December 3 for local pickup.  Use the QR Code above or visit our preorder website.

Pickup Time:  Saturday, December 7, 9-10 AM

Pickup Location:  Bonnie Brae Elementary School 

***Any orders not picked up will be donated to first responders.***

FCPS Cell Phone & Smart Watch Policy

As a reminder, FCPS usage policies for cell phones and smart watches are included below.  If your child brings a cell phone or wears a smart watch to school, please be sure to review the information below with them. 

  • Phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Cell phones may be used on campus before and after school only.
  • Smart watches that serve a dual purpose may be worn, but the phone features (texting, Internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited.
  • Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is a medical necessity or emergency.

Hat Day was a success!

Importance of Handwashing

As we transition into the fall and winter seasons, it's important to remind children about the importance of practicing good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. These simple practices can significantly reduce the spread of germs, particularly during the upcoming holiday season when gatherings and travel increase.

Some Important Reminders:

  • Wash Hands Frequently: Encourage children to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.  
  • Use Hand Sanitizer: When soap and water are not readily available, provide access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content.
  • Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Remind children to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues properly in a wastebasket and wash their hands.
  • Avoid Touching Face: Discourage children from touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 

Check out these videos that help emphasize the importance of handwashing:

Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Tuesday, December 3, 6:30-8 p.m., at Lake Braddock Secondary School Cafeteria.

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage

Student Feedback Opportunity for FCPS Cell Phone Policy and SR&R

FCPS is working with K12 Insight to host a community forum for families, staff members, and students to provide feedback on the school division’s cell phone policies and practices, and the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) document. FCPS is looking for more student participants (grades 3-12) to help ensure diverse perspectives from our community.

The community forum will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 6:30-8 p.m., at the Willow Oaks Administrative Center. If your student is interested in providing feedback, please visit the Cell Phone Policy Forum registration page to learn more. Families must register their child by Monday, November 25.

Hat Day!

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 

The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact your child’s school. 

Register for ParentVUE

Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.older text.

Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call Fairfax County's Coordinated Services Planning at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Hat Day!

  • December 9 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday,12:15 PM
  • December 11 - Band Concert, 6-7 PM (Gym)
  • December 11- Chorus Concert, 7-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 
  • December 9 - Three-Hour Early Release Monday,12:15 PM
  • December 11 - Band Concert, 6-7 PM (Gym)
  • December 11- Chorus Concert, 7-8 PM (Cafeteria)
  • December 17 - Interims Sent Home
  • December 23-January 3 - Winter Break (no school for students and staff)
  • January 6 - First School Day of 2025 

Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

FCPS Standard School Year Calendar

Printable FCPS 2024-25 School Calendar (PDF)

5420 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax, VA 22032 | Main Office: 703.321.3900
Attendance703.321.3939 | Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
PTO Website | PTO Facebook

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